I found this website, ehow.com, to be very interesting when it comes how to portray your emotions on your face while acting in a play. They begin the article talking about how if you are by nature, a funny person, then it may seem impossible to all the sudden act as a serious character who does not joke around. I would agree with that- that does seem very hard.
This article gives you a step by step process to portraying the emotions you may want to portray as an actor. A very interesting part the article spoke about was to think about something in your past that may make you upset, if you need to be upset while acting, or to think of something happy if you need to be really happy, but you are not feeling happy at that moment while acting. Another way they claimed you could accomplish this is to talk to people who may have been in the same position as the person you are pretending to be in a play. They could explain to you how to act and what would be the appropriate way to act while portraying this character in front of an audience.
I never thought about how actors have to use their nonverbal expressions to portray emotions that they may not really be feeling at that time, so I found this article to be very informative and interesting.
That topic definitely is really interesting. It's kind of cool to think back to when they only had silent films and actors had to rely ENTIRELY on their non-verbal communication to express something to the audience