I found the below link to be very interesting:
Drawing Cartoon Facial Expressions : How to Draw Eyes Expressions in Cartooning Part 1 « How to Draw Step by Step Drawing Tutorials
The person who wrote this article really made me think, even cartoon characters must have facial expressions in order to help them communicate a message! The article explained about how the eyes are one of the most expressive parts of a persons face. The website teaches a person how to draw these facial expressions so that if you were to draw your own cartoon, you would be able to nonverbally get your message across since cartoons do not verbally speak. Cartoons rely on facial expressions in order to help portray the mood their character is in since a cartoon in the newspaper cannot speak out loud and only has very few words that can be written before the cartoon would become pointless for the reader to read.
Look at this example of eyes and tell me if you agree that these eyes look scared or not.
I do agree with this writer that the eyes do look scared, and without that emotional expression, the voiceless character can communicate to the reader that they are scared of something that will be happening in the future.
That's a cool link! It's neat to flip through a comic and realize you can understand the majority of the story without reading a single word.