Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dating and our Nonverbal Communication

I fond this interesting tidbit of information that points out the nonverbal communication tactics that men and women unconsciously use when they are dating and what shows if they are interested or not in their potential dating partner. Can you relate to any of these in any way?

Nonverbal communication is the way a person expresses him/herself through movement, posture, and facial expression. It is possible to send one type of verbal message and at the same time, a different type with body language. Nonverbal communication is powerful. Seventy percent of the time, a woman’s nonverbal communication initiates dating and guides the pace of the relationship.

A woman’s "Interested" body language:

  • Pouting lips
  • Hair flipping
  • Glances
  • Pushing hair behind the ears
  • The use of aroma (perfume)

A woman's "Not Interested" body language:

  • Yawns
  • Frowns
  • Sneers
  • Hands staying in pockets
  • Arms staying crossed across the chest

A man’s "Interested" body language:

  • Holding eye contact longer than necessary
  • Accidental contact with a girl
  • Arranging the tie or sleeves
  • Keeping hands in front of the pants with the thumbs locked inside the belt
  • Fiddling with something
  • Moving in closer

1 comment:

  1. Love this article! It's always so funny to poke fun at people when they completely miss non-verbal signs like these that you are trying to get across.

    I also think it's pretty hilarious that there's no section on here for a man's "not interested" body language. Haha!
